For most people, visiting the dentist is just a part of life. For some people however, going to the dentist causes extreme anxiety and terror, it also represents an extreme challenge. In some cases, it may keep them from visiting the dentist at all, which puts their oral health at risk.
If you are one of the 30 to 40 million people who suffer from dental anxiety, or you have tried Sedation but it did not work well for you, and you want to be ‘put to sleep’ for your procedure, we have the solution for you. At Ashburn Dental Group, we offer General Anesthesia for the all kinds of dental procedures. We create beautiful smiles while you sleep and you wake up not remembering a thing!
General Anesthesia at Ashburn Dental Group pairs the spectrum of hospital anesthesia with the personal, comfortable, and convenient office setting. Most importantly, General Anesthesia at our office is delivered by physician anesthesiologists. Physician anesthesiologists are medical doctors with the most comprehensive anesthesia, airway, and emergency management training.

General anesthesia is a state of unconsciousness produced by an anesthesiologist where the patient is completely unconscious and does not remember or feel anything during the procedure. In addition, the patient remains still and does not move. The anesthesiologist must monitor the patient continually and ensure that the patient remains safe until the patient emerges from anesthesia. Due to the complexity of this type of care, our office has special monitoring and emergency equipment to ensure patient safety. General Anesthesia is recommended to patients who have a high tolerance for IV sedation as well as extremely anxious patients or for complex oral surgery and wisdom teeth impactions.