Our Services

Wisdom teeth removal is fairly common. In fact, Americans have as many as 10 million wisdom teeth removed every year. At Ashburn Dental Group, we specialize in Wisdom teeth extractions. Dr. Sareen has completed a post graduate residency in Oral surgery and has more than 16 years of experience in wisdom teeth extractions. We are also one of few area dental offices who use advanced digital technology to facilitate treatment planning and tooth extraction for the best possible result. Using digital x-rays and 3-D CT scanning, we are able to pinpoint adjacent nerves and soft tissue to avoid during the extraction process for less discomfort and a reduced chance of complications. These scans are quick. painless and offer minimized exposure to radiation. For anxious patients Ashburn Dental Group also specializes in different types of Sedation & General Anesthesia.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

These teeth are also known as third molars and typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 21. Wisdom teeth are commonly removed because most mouths are too small to fit four extra teeth. So, if there isn’t enough space for them in most mouths, why do we have them? Most scientists believe they were necessary for our ancestors, even if we don’t really use them today. They were useful when the human diet consisted mostly of raw meat, leaves, roots, and nuts. These days most of us cook our food rather than eating it raw and use cutlery to cut, crush, and smash our food rather than relying on our teeth. As a result, we don’t really need wisdom teeth anymore.

How Do You Know If Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that people between 16 and 19 have their wisdom teeth evaluated by their dentist to see if removal is necessary. There is no perfect age for wisdom teeth removal, but here are factors to consider if your wisdom teeth are already in:

Pain and Swelling of the gums around wisdom teeth area. If your teeth cause pain or discomfort, it might be time to consider removal.
Impacted teeth can grow sideways or crooked and lead to bigger problems.
Crowding happens when teeth are too close together and push against other teeth. This can cause pain and lead to an infection caused by bacteria growing between crowded teeth.
You have cavities or Gum disease. You miay not be able to reach your wisdom teeth with your tooth brush or dental floss.
You have difficulty chewing or opening/closing the jaw.
Most dentists recommend removal sooner rather than later to avoid problems associated with impacted or crowded teeth. However, only a dentist can decide if your wisdom teeth need to be extracted, so it’s important to maintain regular dental exams and assessments.

What You Need to Know About Impacted Wisdom Teeth:

When a wisdom tooth forms but does not erupt, it is impacted. Wisdom teeth that only partially emerge are known as partially impacted wisdom teeth. In the case of impaction, the tooth is likely to grow at an angle due to a lack of space. There are many issues that can arise due to impaction. Your dentist will likely recommend wisdom tooth removal if teeth are impacted to avoid the following outcomes:

Tooth pain at the site
Trapped food that can cause decay
Damage to nearby teeth and gums
Damage to the jawbone
Irritated gums
Bacterial growth in the gumline of partially impacted teeth
Development of a cyst or tumor near the tooth
Shifting teeth
Jaw and gum disease
What to Expect from the Procedure

Usually, a wisdom teeth removal procedure is performed under local anesthesia. If you are particularly anxious about the procedure, consult with our dentist about Sedation or General Anesthesia options.

Wisdom tooth extraction is a dental surgery procedure that involves cutting through the gum tissue covering the tooth, removing the connective tissue between the wisdom tooth and the bone, removing the wisdom tooth, and sewing the gum closed again. Occasionally, the bone around an impacted tooth must be removed in order to perform the extraction. In some instances, the wisdom tooth may need to be cut into sections to be removed.

You should not experience any pain during the surgery, because you will be under local or general anesthesia. However, after surgery, most people experience some level of discomfort which can be controlled by medications & post op instructions provided.